FIU ReACH Lab | New E-Cig Grant Featured in FIU News
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New E-Cig Grant Featured in FIU News

11 Oct New E-Cig Grant Featured in FIU News

ReACH Lab Director, Dr. Trucco, along with colleague, Dr. Matthew Sutherland, are featured in FIU news. Drs. Trucco and Sutherland are part of a $13.1 million grant to build Florida’s first Health Disparities Research Center at a Minority Institution (RCMI). Dr. Eric Wagner, director of FIU-BRIDGE and professor in the School of Social Work will lead a group of 34 faculty members from the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work, the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, the Center for Children and Families, and the Department of Psychology. This is the largest National Institutes of Health (NIH) award in FIU’s history. Read the complete story here. 

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