FIU ReACH Lab | Florida Passes Vaping in the Workplace Amendment Ban
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Florida Passes Vaping in the Workplace Amendment Ban

09 Jan Florida Passes Vaping in the Workplace Amendment Ban

Florida voters have voted to ban vaping in indoor workplaces following the 2018 elections in early November. This timely vote comes following an increasing rate of e-cigarette use in the United States, an effect which has astronomically risen among teens but has also been seen even among young adults and older adults. This addition to the amendment complements current laws which similarly ban traditional cigarette smoking inside the workplace; not many are aware that e-cigarette aerosol (the equivalent of cigarette smoke) contains dangerous chemicals and nicotine which can be inhaled through secondhand smoke. Florida now joins nine other states countrywide that have similar workplace bans on vaping. Information online says that “the measure made exceptions for the use of vapor-generating electronic devices in (1) private residences that are not being used for commercial childcare, adult care, or healthcare; (2) in retail tobacco and vapor-generating electronic device shops; (3) designed smoking guest rooms in hotels; and (4) stand-alone bars”.


For more information on the amendment, check out this article. 

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